Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Loch Ness

Legend has it that a sea monster aka "Loch Ness" Lives in Lake Loch and roams the deep of the lake, the legend has cause a lot of media attention and supposedly has been seen by many like one man.
The Loch Ness was spotted by a man named Alex Campbell, a water bailiff and the man in charge of regulating salmon fishing in the Loch seen the Loch Ness 18 times on different occasions. He saw it upsurge out of water right in front of the canal entrance, Campbell described the creature as having "a long, tapering neck, about 6 feet long, and a smallish head with a serpentine look about it, and a huge hump behind..." Campbell estimated the length of the "monster" to be about thirty feet. No sightings have been seen since 2009. This monster has made Lake Loch Ness crazy with tourists and many people waiting to see it or some even to scam it. So believe or not that's what makes it a great mystery